Exploring Social Security Cases and Outcomes

  • Five Myths That Surround Estate Planning

    8 June 2017

    Making plans for a time when you will no longer be around is, of course, not always fun and can be slightly depressing. However, it is necessary. This is because, too many times, family members will claim that they had a close relationship with you in order to gain some of the assets left behind. This usually leads to drama within families and it usually doesn't end up going how the deceased person would have wished.

  • Put Your Trust In A Trust

    6 June 2017

    You have likely heard all about how one should try to avoid probate at all costs when making plans for your estate. You should understand, however, that it is extremely unlikely that you can avoid it altogether. Instead, the main goal of a probate-avoiding estate plan should be to have as little property as possible be included in the probate bucket. To learn about a will alternative that can keep nearly all of your property away from the probate courts, read on.

  • Veterans, Are Your Injuries Being Ignored?

    5 June 2017

    Not all military-related injuries are compensated properly. Many conditions go unnoticed until after leaving the military, or they may develop from smaller problems that didn't become major issues until after military service. In a few cases, your legitimate and obvious condition may not have been acted upon due to rushed processing as you left the military. To figure out if your condition is related to the military and is therefore eligible for compensation, take a look at a few Veterans Affairs (VA) disability policy points and scenarios.

  • Dealing With A Bad Business Reputation Over A False Rumor

    30 May 2017

    Building a business up from the bottom is a process that can take a long time to accomplish. Once you have built a large customer base and good reputation, it can keep your business going for many years to come. However, everything that you have worked hard for can go down the drain if someone starts a false rumor that changes the way people feel about doing business with you. If you are in the current situation and your business is quickly failing, consider filing a defamation of character lawsuit.

  • Applying For Disability? Two Reasons Why You Need A Lawyer

    24 May 2017

    If you've arrived at the point where you know that you're not going to be able to work and still need to support yourself, Social Security Disability can seem like a godsend.  It provides you with the money necessary to allow you to cover the expenses that are a part of life.  However, getting approved for disability is not always so cut-and-dried, especially considering that approximately 70 percent of applicants are denied the first time they file.

  • What Bankruptcy Can Do For You

    19 May 2017

    The big decision to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy is not the right one for everyone, but there are almost no legal moves available that can so quickly and efficiently eliminate debt. A chapter 7 bankruptcy filing allows you to make a fresh financial beginning; putting to use what you have learned from past mistakes and re-building your credit and financial security. Read on to learn more about what bankruptcy could do for you.

  • Hiring A Probate Lawyer

    13 May 2017

    When a loved one passes on, it can be a very stressful and sad time. You may be the one that is responsible for taking care of everything, and it can truly be a huge job. There are lawyers that have been through a great deal of school to help you when this time comes. There are many different aspects that a probate lawyer will be able to help you with.