Exploring Social Security Cases and Outcomes

  • The Life Saving Reality Of A Special Needs Trust

    9 March 2015

    If you're living in the reality of low income with a loved one who has a disability, figuring out how to pay the bills can be frustrating, annoying, and at times even scary. Not knowing where to find your source of money to pay for the needs of yourself, your family, and a special needs individual is troubling-- but don't give up, even if you've experienced a disappointment. Of course, many people consider the common solution of government funded disability programs such as Social Security or Medicaid, but unfortunately, the strict qualifications for such programs may leave you unable to pursue those options.

  • Helpful Steps to Take When Building Up Your Credit

    19 February 2015

    In terms of your finances, one of the most important things to consider is your credit. When trying to build up your credit, these steps are important to take. Check Credit Score Before doing anything, you are going to need to check your credit score to see if it's bad or good. You can do this online, and a lot of credit companies can do this for free. All you need to do is type in some personal information like annual salary, age, address and types of credit cards owned.

  • 3 Features Of A Collaborative Divorce

    5 February 2015

    Many people have a vested interest in making sure that their divorce never makes it to divorce court, due to the ridiculous expense of the court's time and the amount of money that legal professionals have to be paid. One alternative to divorce court is to try a collaborative divorce. This is essentially when two parties decide to get divorced and essentially hash out all of the decisions and child custody schedules themselves, with minimal legal supervision.

  • The Benefits Of Retaining A Real Estate Lawyer

    2 February 2015

    If you are getting ready to buy a piece of property, you will want to consider hiring a real estate lawyer. While you may believe that having a real estate lawyer is not necessary, you'd be surprised on what a real estate lawyer can do for you and how beneficial it will be for you to have one if any issue comes up. This article will explain what could happen during a real estate transaction and why a real estate lawyer may be necessary.

  • What To Do If You Cannot Afford Child Support

    21 January 2015

    What do you do if you cannot (genuinely) afford paying child support? If you wish to reduce the payments, then you should know that there are several options you can take to make it legal. The route you take depends on whether the other parent concurs with your assessment that you cannot afford the payments. If the other parent doesn't agree with you, then your only course of action is to:

  • 4 Tips To Make A Divorce Less Stressful

    16 January 2015

    Dissolving a marriage is emotionally trying, but there are ways to go about your divorce proceedings to make the whole situation less stressful for yourself, your ex-spouse, and for any children involved. In the long run, trying to make a divorce as amicable as possible will benefit all parties. Use the following tips to reduce stress when getting a divorce: Hire a Divorce Lawyer That You Trust Working with a divorce lawyer that you feel comfortable with and trust is essential for reducing stress when going through a divorce.

  • 4 Tips For Writing A Prenuptial Agreement

    7 January 2015

    A prenuptial agreement is an agreement that states guidelines for how your money and assets are handled during a divorce. If you have a large amount of assets before you get married, you can have stipulations that state your spouse would not receive half of those assets should you get divorced. If you need to write up a prenup before marriage, here are some guidelines to follow. Be Honest About What Assets You Have