Exploring Social Security Cases and Outcomes

  • 4 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Filing For Workers' Compensation

    13 December 2019

    Have you been hurt on the job? If so, this can be a difficult time for you. There are likely to be several medical bills you'll need to pay, and losing time from work is never ideal. The best way to get through this challenging time is to file for workers' compensation. Doing this may allow you to get the money you need to move forward with your life. However, there are many mistakes you'll want to avoid, and learning these can be helpful.

  • Watch Out For These Car Accident Injuries That Are Slow To Show Up

    18 November 2019

    When a car accident ends up leaving you with only minor injuries, you might feel very fortunate. That doesn't mean, though, that you should ignore symptoms of the below injuries – even if it's been several days since your accident. The following injuries might take their time to make themselves known, but they can cause just as much misery when they do. Read on to find out more about these sneaky conditions and how to make sure you get compensated for them.

  • Ways To Prove Sexual Harassment At Your Job

    21 October 2019

    When you go to work, you should not have to worry about people harassing you, saying demeaning things to you, touching you inappropriately, or anything else like this, but it happens. If you believe that you are being sexually harassed at your job, you will need to start finding ways to prove that this is happening, as you will need proof in order to file a case against the perpetrator. Here are some of the best ways you can prove that you are being sexually harassed at your job.

  • Choose The Right Attorney: Changing Isn't Always Easy

    23 September 2019

    After an accident, most victims want to protect their rights. As a result, some people hire the first car accident attorney they meet. While swift action is always helpful, not every attorney-client dynamic will work. In the event the car accident attorney is not the ideal match for your needs, there are some challenges that can surface should you decide to change representation. State Law Provisions In some states, it's not enough to tell your attorney that you no longer want to be represented by him or her.

  • What You Should Know About Disclosing Your Bipolar Disorder At Work

    19 August 2019

    When it comes to managing bipolar disorder and taking care of your mental health, there are many different factors and issues to consider. One of those issues is how you will go about managing your bipolar disorder at work. If you are considering disclosing your bipolar disorder at work, get to know some important facts to be aware of and what you should expect in doing so. Then, you can be sure you are putting your mental health first, at work and in general.

  • Changes Come To Florida's Criminal Legislation

    16 July 2019

    Florida is known for having some of the toughest criminal laws in the country. But in late June 2019, some of Florida's most draconian criminal laws were amended when the Sunshine State's governor signed House Bill 7125 into law. Learn more about some of the reforms contained within the bill and what they can mean for criminal defendants and those spending time in prison. What Changes are Coming to Florida's Criminal Laws?

  • What To Do If Your Long-Term Disability Claim Is Denied

    11 June 2019

    When you pay for long-term disability insurance you expect to be able to use it when necessary. It's hard to make ends meet when you're unable to work due to a serious injury that could take you out of commission for several weeks or even months. Using your long-term disability could really be a lifesaver during times like this and if your claim is denied the blow can be devastating. The best thing for you to do is remain calm and know that you have options.