Exploring Social Security Cases and Outcomes

  • DNA Collection and the Presumption of Innocence: What Is the Problem?

    7 February 2017

    There's been a new step to the arrest and booking process that's quietly been spreading throughout the United States over the last few years. Now, depending on the jurisdiction and the crime you're suspected of doing, you can add a cheek swab for DNA testing to the more familiar photo ID and fingerprints. What is the DNA testing for? The answer may depend on who you ask, but there are some things that you definitely want to know.

  • Mistakes Most People Make With Their Social Security Disbility Claims

    6 September 2016

    When your health leaves you in a position where you are no longer able to work, you will get used to waiting for things to happen, whether it is doctor's appointments or otherwise. However, when it comes to filing for your social security disability, if you are like most, you will assume that your obvious inability to work will be enough to get you the payments you deserve. However, filing for and obtaining social security disability payments is rarely an easy process, and it is in fact one that could also leave you waiting for payments that seem to never come.

  • The Great Benefits Of Interactive Legal Forms

    4 May 2016

    So much of your business depends on your ability to properly complete important contracts and other legal forms. However, these forms can cost you a lot of time, energy and money to complete when you go the traditional route of sitting down with a lawyer to complete them. Because technology is so sophisticated today, many lawyers give you the chance to fill out and purchase legal forms from them online for more straight forward matters, saving time for both parties.

  • How To Exercise Your Right To Remain Silent

    2 March 2016

    You've almost surely heard that you have the right to remain silent, but do you know what that actually means? To receive full legal protections, you need to carefully exercise your constitutional rights. Here's how to protect your right to remain silent. What Exactly Is The Right To Remain Silent? The right to remain silent actually comes from the right against being forced to incriminate yourself. Basically, it means you can't be used as a witness in your own trial either directly or to find other evidence against you.

  • 2 Ways That a Family Lawyer Can Help You with an Adoption

    20 November 2015

    A family law firm is a great resource if you decide to adopt a child, mostly because this type of law firm can assist with any type of adoption. Hiring a family lawyer can make choosing an adoption agency much less risky and help you prepare for a failed private adoption. Make Choosing an Adoption Agency Less Risky Finding a good adoption agency doesn't seem like it would be too difficult, but the sad truth is that there are fake or fraudulent adoption agencies out there that are simply looking to take advantage of individuals that are desperate to adopt a child.

  • Workplace Injury Questions You May Need Addressed

    15 September 2015

    Most workers that are injured on the job are entitled to worker's compensation to cover their medical expenses and lost wages. While most people will be lucky enough to avoid these incidents, it is important to understand how you should proceed if this ever happens to you. More precisely, having these two common questions addressed will help you ensure your rights are protected following a job related injury.  What Is The First Thing You Should Do If Injured In The Workplace?

  • How To Gain Child Custody

    11 August 2015

    Divorce can be a very hard thing to go through for a couple. It is especially difficult when there are children involved. It can be hard for them to understand why it is happening. When it comes to child custody, you will want to make sure that you are doing what is best for the child so that they have an easier time adjusting to the divorce. As an adult getting divorced, you may have several reasons for wanting sole custody of your child; however, this may not be in the best interest of your child.